Skin appearance from 55

Fresh knowledge for well-groomed skin from 55


Sunny times
without regrets

Summer again at last! Relaxing by the sea or having a good time in the mountains. It's simply a feeling of happiness that draws us out into the sun. However, when you look in the mirror, your mood can quickly fade if your skin has not been exposed to UV rays or has been inadequately protected. The sun-induced signs of skin ageing are then unmistakable.

Not only the neck and décolleté area, but also all other parts of the body feel less elastic and drier without the right type and seasonal care. The thin areas of skin around the eyes and lips in particular are visibly and tangibly tired and only a "summery" shadow of their former glory days. The complexion and facial contours reveal your true age far too easily, as the skin's vital functions visibly and noticeably slow down.

Skin cell renewal now only takes place in a greatly reduced cycle: the "glycation" ("bonding" through a chemical reaction of proteins and sugar in the skin) of the connective tissue fibers increases - cell renewal and thus epidermal regeneration - almost comes to a standstill.

What used to take 28 days now often takes 50 days or longer. High UV exposure, damaging environmental influences, air-conditioned indoor air, chlorinated or salty pool and sea water, but above all insufficient skin moisturization visibly affect the beauty of the skin.

The good news: you can do something about it!  Innovative care throughout the year, supplemented with mild yet powerful CHANNOINE sun protection, optimizes the skin's regeneration potential and prevents premature ageing. Modern, innovative premium solutions for every skin type and for every season - that's what CHANNOINE has stood for for more than 40 years.

CHANNOINE - for the sake of your beauty!

Product recommendations

CHANNOINE Premium Skin Care
So that you feel good in your skin .

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Take a few minutes to take a web-based skin image test and find out which skincare routine suits you best.


Brünette Frau mit gepflegter Haut -  Channoine Hautbildanalyse

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Book your individual consultation appointment now and receive competent and free advice tailored to your needs. At CHANNOINE, you are always the center of attention and our experts are there for you when you need us. We look forward to meeting YOU!
