Vital substances in a class of their own to support hair loss, brittle nails and dull skin.
NOBUSAN Regenyl Plus is specially formulated to improve problematic skin and nails, and to supply nutrients to the hair. A healthy and attractive appearance on the outside has a lot to do with what is going on inside the body.
The skin, which is largely responsible for presenting our outer appearance, is also tied into the body’s metabolic process. It is therefore an excellent indicator for what is going on inside. Similarly, hair and nails also show immediate reactions to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
NOBUSAN Regenyl Plus contains high concentrations of those vitamins and minerals required on the inside for a healthy appearance of skin, hair and nails on the outside.
Recommendation for use: Take 2 capsules every day, preferably 2 houres after mealtimes with a glas of water or fruit juice.
Store away from children. Not for pregnant- or nursing women.
The consumtion of nutritional supplements did not substitute a healthy and varied diet and regimen. Do not exceed the recommended intake.
REGENYL Plus promotes beauty from the inside. The premium ingredients help counteract hair loss, cracking nails and dull skin. This is a complete package of beauty boosters for all-round support of your beauty and wellbeing.
Store at room temperature (until 21°C), drily and free from sun exposure.
Free from GM technology (no subject to marking regarding GVO under EG-VO 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.)
Vitamin- and mineral nutritional supplement
Content: 60 capsule - 33,54 g (One month supply)
Karottenpulver, Cellulose HPMC (Kapsel) pflanzlichen Ursprungs, Centella asiatica extract (Indischer Wassernabel Pulver Extrakt (centella asiatica)), L-Ascorbinsäure, Kaliumchlorid, Ginsengpulver, Magnesiumhydroxid, gemahlene Kürbiskerne, Dicalciumphosphat, Eisen-(III)-phosphat, D-alpha Tocopherylacetat (enthält SOJA), Trennmittel (Siliciumdioxid, Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren), Nicotinamid, Zinkoxid, Mangansulfat, Calcium-D-pantothenat, Beta-Carotin, Kupfer-(II)-sulfat, Pfeffer-Extrakt, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid, Thiaminmononitrat, Riboflavin, Maltodextrin, Chrom-(III)-chlorid, Natriummolybdat, Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure, Natriumselenit, D-Biotin, Kaliumjodid, Phyllochinon (Vitamin K1), Cholecalciferol, Cyanocobalamin
Allergen labeling: Soy
Optimized quality of life with NOBUSAN
Vitality, beauty and quality. NOBUSAN Nutrition relies exclusively on high-quality, balanced vital substances from nature to close supply gaps and enable an optimized, healthy vital status.
Through individual vital status analyses and needs-oriented product recommendations, NOBUSAN supports you in optimizing your vitality and leading a healthy life.