Weight management & diets

Weight management
Too little exercise, an unbalanced diet, pre-prepared foods, a stressful everyday life... Being overweight can have many causes. In addition to emulating beauty ideals, becoming fitter and more vital can trigger the desire to shed pounds.
A general change in diet with a focus on healthy, calorie-reduced fresh food should be the first goal. NOBUSAN-Nutrition offers NUPREM, a special diet preparation as a complete food substitute, for quick success and to help you lose those first few pounds without complications.
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Sustainable weight management
with NOBUSAN-Nutrition

Weight reduction can not only improve physical health, but also mental well-being.
The NUPREM complete food substitute provides the body with all the vital substances it needs for all-round care during diet phases.
NOBUSAN-Nutrition is also your reliable companion when it comes to dieting.
The NUPREM and COROPTYN duo is an ideal supplement for weight loss during sporting activities. Highly dosed, essential amino acids from COROPTYN meet a complete vitality profile from NUPREM.
The result is a comprehensive vitality optimization for sports and diet phases at the same time.
makes the difference
NOBUSAN-Nutrition processes only the most exquisite vital substances into target group-specific high-end formulations with the highest possible density and concentration of active ingredients.
You feel good with NOBUSAN!
quality of life
NOBUSAN promotes a healthy lifestyle and supplies the body with exactly the right vital substances as required. NUPREM supports a healthy lifestyle during diet phases by blocking the absorption of fat or carbohydrates, reducing appetite and optimizing the metabolism.