Nutrition, Vitality & Health
A balanced supply of vital substances is the basis for lifelong well-being.

Top fit - into old age.
The consequences of our modern lifestyle are often ignored. Gradual loss of vitality, exhaustion and illness are the well-known consequences.
With NOBUSAN-Nutrition, nutritional deficiencies and health risks can be prevented.
Select your desired category
- Stomach, gut and digestion
- Smokers
- Heart, circulation and blood vessels
- Joints, muscles and bones
- Allergies
- Immune system optimization
- Pregnancy
- Purifying and detoxing
- Diabetes
- Kids and Youths
- Stress load
- Vegetarians and vegans
- Sleep and inner peace
- Skin health and anti-ageing
Good for stomach, gut and digestion
How much charm does your gut have?
The fact is that gut flora has a decisive influence - not only on the immune system and skin health, but also on physical and mental health. It is also a fact that those who look after their "inner bacterial garden" - known as the microbiome - simply feel better and healthier.
NOBUSAN-Nutrition has powerful vitality supplements for you. Enriched with gut-friendly additives, antioxidant vitamins and trace elements, NOBUSAN Vital Boosters strengthen nerves, cells and the immune system and optimize intestinal function.
Listen to your gut feeling and get your NOBUSAN.
Essential vital substances for smokers
Every smoker has long been aware that smoking has a massive impact on health. As a cytotoxin, nicotine damages the body's cells directly at the base. At the same time, smoke also produces free radicals, which have a massive negative impact on cell ageing and weaken the immune system. The ideal solution is, of course, to give up smoking. But if the addiction is stronger than reason, you should at least protect your body with high doses of antioxidants and other vital substances!
NOBUSAN has developed the special product REGUSAN for smokers.
For targeted strengthening of the heart, circulation and blood vessels
The human body is a complex marvel. As a highly functional mechanism, it must use the blood to transport exactly the right nutrients to exactly the right destination. Only elastic vessels and healthy organs can perform this complicated task!
NOBUSAN has therefore combined the best natural active ingredients for the heart, blood vessels and circulation in several products.
Nutrient supply for your joints, muscles and bones
Without our skeleton we would collapse like an empty sack, without our muscles we would just lie there motionless. Over a lifetime, our bones, muscles and joints carry countless tons of weight - and thousands of kilometers.
This indispensable support system needs sufficient minerals and vitamins every day in order to remain efficient for a long time. Essential nutrients are contained in most NOBUSAN-Nutrition supplements, some of which are even highly concentrated.
Vitamins, minerals and trace elements for allergies
Anyone who suffers from allergies is familiar with the associated stresses and strains. Hay fever, for example, can have a very negative impact on quality of life, and anyone with a food intolerance is forced to avoid some foods that are healthy per se.
However, the risk of getting into a nutrient deficiency situation is often underestimated. A well-supplied body is also better able to deal with allergens. NOBUSAN has developed a number of special vital substance supplements to make it stronger.
Effective and good for immune optimization
A strong immune system is still the best prevention against illness. In addition to a healthy diet, plenty of fresh air and a regular daily routine, targeted supplementation of vitamins, minerals etc. can be a real "turbo" for immune protection.
The vital substance concentrates from NOBUSAN are ideal for optimizing the immune system, which, in combination with valuable natural substances, optimize immune protection on a daily basis.
Natural vital substance supplement for pregnancies
If the body suddenly has to provide for two or more people instead of one, it also needs more: more vitamins, more minerals, more trace elements ... and more sleep. We have not yet been able to pack sleep into capsules, but with vital substances we are also on top with new life.
In the NOBUSAN product world there are several preparations for an optimal all-round supply during pregnancy.
It's time to purify and detox
Environmental toxins, fast food, little exercise and stress lead to deposits in the body that can place a heavy burden on it. The targeted intake of plant extracts, antioxidant vital substances and plenty of fluids helps the body to return to an unburdened form.
NOBUSAN combines essential power substances from nature in various preparations for every need: as capsules, as a powder (for making a drink) or as a juice.
Targeted vital substance supplementation for diabetes
Due to their metabolic disorder, diabetics have particularly difficult requirements for a needs-based nutrient supply.
In addition to a balanced diet, NOBUSAN has some outstandingly valuable vital substance mixtures for the special needs of diabetics.
Essential nutrients for Kids and Youths
During growth, the body needs considerable additional concentrations of nutrients. Unfortunately, however, children and adolescents often don't have much left over for fresh fruit or even vegetables, making it all the more important to consider how to provide children and adolescents with sufficient vitamins and minerals.
NOBUSAN Nutrition has several supplements that are tailored to precisely this need and are also particularly easy to take.
Vital power for increased stress load
Did you know? Of all the organs, the brain consumes the most nutrients. No wonder that it often gets into an alarming state under stress with an increased need for vital substances. This special need can hardly be met with a normal healthy diet.
It's good to know that NOBUSAN also has the right vital substance preparations for people suffering from stress - for example AGRISAN Plus and LIBRACTOL
NOBUSAN vital substance formulations for vegetarians and vegans
Depending on their individual lifestyle, vegetarians and vegans abstain from at least meat - and often also from all other animal products such as milk, eggs or honey. However, this ethically valuable decision means that the nutrients "lost" as a result must be supplemented from other sources. This is not so easy to do through diet alone.
This makes it all the easier to stay on the safe side with the high-quality vital substance supplements from NOBUSAN. Capsule by capsule and sip by sip, the body is supplied with everything it needs for a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
Sleep and inner peace
Healthy sleep like never before: The hectic pace of modern life is increasingly leading to inner restlessness, stress and sleep disorders and thus to a health-damaging lack of rest and regeneration.
Discover your source of inner peace and health-promoting sleep quality with the NOBUSAN vital preparations REPUSAN and AGRISAN.
Highly dosed, valuable and maximally effective - your own personal feel-good program.
Skin health and anti-ageing
Discover the secret of timeless beauty and attractive skin health.
Is a youthful, radiant complexion important to you? Then NOBUSAN is the answer to your desires. Groundbreaking vital formulas formulated with powerful ingredients to optimize cell regeneration and help turn back the signs of time.
Skin health from within: NOBUSAN vital supplements contain all the essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that not only work on the skin, but also promote overall health and vitality.
NOBUSAN Nutrition
Nutritional harmony and vitality from nature

for an active lifestyle
Are you missing something? Well-being knows no gaps. Your start to a healthy, vital life is now!
With the NOBUSAN Power Boosters, you have it in your own hands to fill up your micronutrient tanks and optimize your vitality.
Natural support for the heart, blood vessels and circulation in top form is a varied, nutrient-rich diet. In this day and age, however, it is almost impossible to obtain an adequate supply of vital substances from the diet without the support of nutrient supplements. NOBUSAN can help to strengthen the (super)vital organs and contribute to healthy vitality. NOBUSAN, so that you feel good all round, in every situation.
for smokers
We don't need to emphasize that smoking is extremely unhealthy. With every puff of a cigarette, the lungs are stressed and the cell structure is damaged by free radicals.
REGUSAN was created for all those who cannot or do not want to give up this unhealthy habit. t
Highly dosed with all the substances the body needs to defend itself against free radicals and to optimize cell activity, REGUSAN is a protective barrier against the stresses and strains of smoking.
with NOBUSAN-Nutrition
A well-functioning immune system protects against pathogens and bacteria, viruses or fungi. The immune response is a complex interplay of different substances that the body can only produce itself with a full supply of vitamins and trace elements. Due to our modern way of life, however, the body is hardly able to reliably protect itself against free radicals, viruses and the like.
NOBUSAN vital preparations can compensate for nutritional deficiencies and contribute to strong immune protection.